Richmond Futch Jr.

Richmond Futch Jr.. retired for Eastman Kodak and Genecore International in 2001 after 30 years of employment as a Fermentation Technician. Richmond then decided to go bac to his first love, art.

As a young man Richmond loved art, recognized by a RCSD teacher of his untapped talent, Richmond was entered into a special art program for one year of private study at the Rochester Museum of Art. He continued to attend evening art classes at East High, later he joined the “All of Us” art program. In 2008 Richmond became one of the founding members of the Figure Study Guild led by Master Artist Steven Carpenter, where he continues to enhance his craft by studying the techniques of the Old Master Artists. However, most of this training has be self-taught.

In 2016 Richomd launched Revelation Rochester Art Center at the Pillar where he offered free art workshops to our most vulnerable population. Richmond now offers these healing workshops at St. Joseph’s House of Hospitality and House of Mercy.

In 2018 Richmond launced his first art show entitled Out of the Shadows. During this show Richmond and the students highlighted their most recent work. in 2019 Richmond participated in the art exibition called “State of the City” held at ROCO Contemporary Art Center. Presenting 40 charcoal portraits of Rochester residents.

Richmond has conducted seminars on the effectiveness of healing through the art. His proudest endeavor is his relationship with St. Joseph’s House of Hospitality and the House of Mercy where he offers art workshops as a form of healing and hope to the homeless. Richmond also serves as the President of the Board at St. Joseph’s House. He is also serving on the board at Peace Village. Recently Richmond joined the 9th Floor Artists Collective. Richmond believes in making the invisible visible through art.